It's A Colour Filled World
Exotic destinations like Morocco provide an incredibly rich source of cultural and interior inspiration. We asked our good friend and Brax ambassador Julia Green from Greenhouse Interiors to share some insights from her recent trip. Here’s her latest guest blog…. enjoy!
Brax ambassador Julia Green of Greenhouse Interiors
For me, home is most certainly where the heart is, and whilst globetrotting to far-flung exotic places (especially those that celebrate colour) is high on my agenda, I am always equally thrilled to touch down and bunker in on Australian soil.
A recent sojourn to Morocco really hammered home to me the importance of community. Even though I was hosting a ‘design tour’ highlighting all of Morocco’s strength in colour, it became very evident that when the makers and artisans in the small villages unite (as they have done for centuries) magic is really made.
Each village is a pillar of strength, with an unspoken rule of supporting one another. There is NO wastage, and their foundations are built around ‘banding’ together. They all know each other by name. They all eat together and no one had an iPhone in their hand to distract them. They were all in the moment. Engaging, talking, making- as a community.
I couldn’t help but reflect on how isolated we have all become, and how we live our lives through the lens of our iPhones or behind a solitary desk.
It also really made me think more deeply about the local businesses I am surrounded by at home, and the importance of shopping locally. Rather than transacting with faceless brands that are just a name, it gave me more motivation to get to KNOW those in my own hood, and reach out to my local tribe to form a nurturing supportive culture of our own.
Nowadays, I think its rare to find brands that have not only stood the test of time but have reached out to their community to celebrate and support their own. When I was first approached by local window furnishing company Brax, it wasn’t to just ‘style’ their campaigns but to also support their charities, to ‘talk’ to their customers in my own words, and to encourage a sense of togetherness in local community.
It makes me exceptionally proud to be associated with people that hold these values so dearly and genuinely. It’s not just a banner or a billboard for Brax. Sure- quality imagery is important, but it’s much more than that. It’s also about giving back. About employing local families. About really ‘knowing’ their employees and celebrating milestones like ’20 years in the same job.’ Rare qualities for this day and age- but Brax have nailed it. They own it.
Its funny what travel does to you. Sometimes it takes you to leave your own country and community behind to really see the power and value in your own back yard. It’s not that I didn’t appreciate it before - but I have returned with a heightened sense of community and I heart you Brax for your local contributions to ours. I hope those that read this, realise how much you give back, as much as they appreciate your superb quality products.
Written by Julia Green
All images by Armelle Habib, courtesy of Greenhouse Interiors.